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How to (Try) to Go on a Plant Buying Ban

Didi from Planty of Curls

Updated: Aug 1, 2019

Do you have too many plants? Have you tried going on a plant buying ban, but couldn't quite get there? Here's a few tips and tricks onto how to pause the houseplant shopping and enjoy your jungle at home!

It'll be my first time in a dorm room this upcoming fall. After four years of junior college, I am finally transferring! I won't see the room until move-in day, so knowing that I'll have to bring all of my plants is a little worrisome. Will I have enough room? Will they survive the move and new light situation that the room offers? These concerns, as well as being a broke college student, prompted me to wait on buying any new plants until I settle in. I've made it through an entire month of a plant buying ban with only a couple of weeks to go. If you're looking into putting yourself on a plant shopping stop, try these few things that have gotten me through it so far!

First, say "NO!"

Any thought of buying a plant must be obliterated from your mind. The occasional scroll on Ebay, Etsy, the Sill, or even stopping at a nursery could mean the end of your ban. "I'm just gonna look" can turn into "it's only one plant." I have been to a nursery a few times to help my mom with plants for the garden, but I had to force myself to practically run through the greenhouse and not linger on any plant too long.

Spend more time with the plants you have.

When you learn to appreciate the plants you already take care of, it'll keep your mind off of the plants you want but don't have. Plants are nice to have, but they aren't a necessity. I can easily turn it into the same materialistic love I have for a pair of shoes or a brand new book. Learn to appreciate what you have and the plant ban will go by quickly.

Engage with the Plant Community!

Most likely a few of your friends in the Plantstagram world are also trying to pause the plant shopping. Reach out to other plant people and help keep each other accountable! Maybe even put together a plant swap to tie you over the ban. It's a win-win!

Gift plants to others.

Rather than getting joy from buying plants, why not gift plants to others? Take those succulents or pothos cuttings you've been propagating for a while and send it to someone who you know will appreciate them. It'll be just as thrilling as buying a plant from a nursery and even more rewarding!

Spend time outdoors (with plants of course).

Use this time to stray away from your houseplant love (*pft, let's be real...obsession*) and explore a whole other world of plants! Go to the park, your backyard, your friends' garden, etc. Get out and explore! You'll find new plants you may not have paid attention to before and you might actually see pollinating bees in action! #savethebees

Be realistic.

If you don't make it through your plant ban, don't beat yourself up. It might take a few planned plant bans until you successfully get through one. But also don't give up too fast and make up excuses. If you can get through at least one week without buying plants, that's something! Now only one day? C'mon. Try again. You can do better. Set a reasonable length of time for the ban. If you've bought a plant everyday for a while and you set a 6 month ban, that's definitely gonna be a tough habit to beat. Start with one week, and then work your way up to it.

Good luck with your plant ban! You'll honestly be relieved after doing it and your existing plants will appreciate the extra care and love you will give them during this time.

Are you currently on a plant ban? Let me know in the comments below and we can help each other out! If you guys also have any more tips, feel free to share. :)

Happy Planting!

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